The Yucca Valley Town Clerk, Jamie Anderson, received Yucca Valley’s first ever referendum to challenge a project approved by the Town Council, the Wal-Mart Supercenter EIR.
The Coalition for Environmental Integrity in Yucca Valley (CEIYV) organized 35 referendum-signing sessions that gathered 1296 signatures from Yucca Valley registered voters, submitted to the Town Clerk on 9/15/08.
The referendum documents will be sent to the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters where signatures will be validated to be Yucca Valley registered voters.
The minimum number of signatures required to establish the referendum is 957. We collected 339 signatures above the required number and will succeed if the invalidation rate remains below 26%. The validation process may take two weeks before we find out if we are successful.
These signatures were acquired through the blood, sweat and tears of too few volunteers who had to refuse too many people from Joshua Tree, Landers, Flamingo Heights, Johnson Valley, Morongo Valley and Twentynine Palms who wanted to sign the referendum.
We wish to thank the concerned voters of Yucca Valley for their efforts to have their Town Council do the right thing.
MORE INFO ON THIS TOPIC: On the WalMart page on the MBCA Website. Previous blog posts: WalMart, Yucca Valley.