Per the Hi-Desert Star:
At least 957 valid signatures are needed for the county registrar of voters to accept the referendum and send it back to the Town Council for action...[forcing] the Town of Yucca Valley to either repeal its approval of the Supercenter and put the project on hold for one year, or put it to the Yucca Valley voters in a special election.
MBCA President David Fick says "he understands that if the Town Council decides to put the Supercenter’s approval to a public vote, the Town then will have 88 days to hold a special election," according to the Star.
Depending on how quickly the registrar can verify the signatures, and if sufficient signatures have been collected, the decision could be on the Town Council’s next agenda.
Should the Supercenter’s approval go to a special election and the voters side with the Town in approving the project, the coalition’s lawsuit would still continue to challenge Wal-Mart’s Environmental Impact Report and conditional use permit.[snip]
The Town also is facing a lawsuit from the Center for Biological Diversity, which is challenging the project’s environmental impact report. In particular, the group challenges that greenhouse gas emissions and the possibilities the Supercenter would contribute to urban blight weren’t adequately explored in the Environmental Impact Report.
The retailer is required, by its agreement with the Town of Yucca Valley, to cover all legal costs that ensue due to approval of the Supercenter.
MORE INFO ON THIS TOPIC: On the WalMart page on the MBCA Website. Previous blog posts: WalMart, Yucca Valley.