A Federal Register notice published [September 15] segregates the public lands identified by the Marines for possible expansion for two years. Under the segregation, the lands are no longer available for settlement, sale, and location of claims under the mining laws. However, the lands remain open to public access and recreation use.
The notice [available online here] also explains the withdrawal process, which requires full environmental and public review and congressional approval as required by the 1958 Engle Act. The publication of the Federal Register notice begins a 90-day comment period regarding the proposed withdrawal.
After the comment period, the Marine Corps will be preparing a draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for further public review to identify a range of alternatives for meeting the Corps' training requirements and analyzing the environmental impacts.
Read the rest in the BLM press release. To learn more about the EIS process and your part in it, see our Website.
ADDENDUM: Read more in this story in the San Bernardino Sun.
MORE INFO ON THESE ISSUES: On the Land Use/Development and Communities pages of the MBCA Website. Previous blog posts: Johnson Valley, Marine Base, Wonder Valley.