Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Virtual Candidates Forum: Your questions invited!

Who will decide your future? Shouldn't you have a say?

A variety of candidates has filed for vacancies on the Town and City Councils of Yucca Valley and Twentynine Palms, as well as the boards of the Hi-Desert and Joshua Basin Water Districts and the Copper Mountain Community College District. Who wins will have a significant impact on the future of our lives and homes and the health of this beautiful land we share. Shouldn't you be part of the equation?

To make the best choice, you need to know where the candidates stand. If you've ever wished you could quiz them on the issues important to you, here's your chance. MBCA will be submitting a list of questions to the candidates for the open positions, and their answers will be posted on our Website and publicized for review by the voters. In putting together our list of questions, we'd like YOUR ideas on what we should ask them in our Virtual Forum.

Please send your Candidate Questions to us at, and please include which Town or City Council, Water Board, or College Board race your question is meant for. We will review the questions and come up with a list for each race that we feel will best test the candidates on their positions on issues of concern to MBCA and its members.

Please send your Questions to us by September 1, 2008. We look forward to hearing from you! And - don't forget to register to vote!