Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stadum project returns to Planning Commission tonight

The Yucca Valley Planning Commission will review Yucca Valley Homes LLC (Stadum/Fomotor) Concept Plan based upon prior Planning Commission and Town Council comments.

All four previous attempts to gain passage of the Stadum/Fomotor project have been rejected because of clear-cutting (mass grading) of the two 18.3-acre parcels. In each case, the Planning Commission sent the project back to the developer with clear instructions to re-submit plans which retained as many native plants undisturbed as practicable.

The developer is again attempting to gain acceptance of its Concept Plan. Will this new plan incorporate the Planning Commission and Town Council directions to save native plants?

Please attend the Yucca Valley Planning Commission meeting August 19, 2008, 7 p.m. at the Yucca Valley Community Center.

Add your voice for the preservation of native plants and the maintenance of our rural character.

MORE INFO ON THIS TOPIC: See Grading/Clear-Cutting pages on MBCA Website. Additional posts: Yucca Valley, Grading/Clear-Cutting.