Friday, August 29, 2008

Alert! Referendum to Challenge Yucca Valley Approval of the Wal-Mart Supercenter EIR

Dear MBCA Members and Friends of CEIYV,

A referendum petition is circulating to challenge the Yucca Valley Town Council's decision to approve the Wal-Mart Supercenter EIR. To repeal the Council’s decision, at least one thousand verifiable signatures are required from Yucca Valley registered voters.

The petitions must be delivered to CEIYV by September 12, 2008.

If you are a Yucca Valley registered voter and oppose the Council's decision to approve the Wal-Mart Supercenter EIR, we need your help to obtain petition signatures and assist at staff tables located at local grocery stores.

The following is the press release for the referendum:

"The Coalition for Environmental Integrity in Yucca Valley is sponsoring a Referendum Petition against Yucca Valley Ordinance #194, the decision of the Yucca Valley Town Council to approve the Wal-Mart Supercenter. This is to undo a done deal by Wal-Mart and the Yucca Valley Town Council.

A successful Referendum Petition will give the Town Council a chance to repeal their decision or submit the decision to the voters of Yucca Valley.

Registered voters within Yucca Valley are given the opportunity to make the Town Council listen and heed their concerns about the Wal-Mart Supercenter and the economic damage it will cause to Yucca Valley.

Petition Circulators will be at a table outside a grocery store near you."

Please share this referendum information with registered voters you know in Yucca Valley and encourage them to sign the petition at a local grocery store before September 11, 2008.

For more information please contact David Fick at 366-9862 or Charla Shamhart at 365-3170 or email MBCA.


David Fick,
President, MBCA

MORE INFO ON THIS TOPIC: On the WalMart page on the MBCA Website. Previous blog posts: WalMart, Yucca Valley.