The word from an eye-witness at last night's scoping meeting on the Solar Energy Programmatic Environmental review (PEIS) process, which is addressing the deluge of industrial energy projects proposed for the Mojave, was not very encouraging for desert residents who support localized energy solutions and the survival of desert ecologies.
According to our witness, the meeting was standing-room only and included representatives from all the major solar companies, such as Opti Solar, Solar Millennium, Soleil, Unexco, and Ausra. All but one stated that they needed access to environmentally protected areas such as ACEC's and DWEMAs (designated habitats) and wanted the flexibility of putting transmission lines through national parks and other preserves. They also did not want a freeze on new applications during the PEIS process.
We'll post press accounts as they appear.
MORE INFO ON THIS TOPIC: On the Energy page of the MBCA Website. Previous blog posts: Energy.