San Bernardino County 3rd District Supervisor Dennis Hansberger has written to Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa and Los Angeles City Council members in a strongly worded letter that opposes the LADWP Green Path North project. Supervisor Hansberger tells Mayor Villaraigosa
"The proposed GPN project will have potentially devastating impacts on desert lands, vegetation, wildlife, and local communities; and I urge you abandon the Green Path North project in favor of an alternative that uses the existing energy corridors."
Hansberger points to LADWP's complete disregard for our property and lack of consultation with local residents and urges the mayor to direct his LADWP appointees to drop the proposed Green Path North project.
Read the letter on the CDC Website here.
Also, tickets are now on sale for the CDC benefit Stop the Towers Hootenanny on June 14! More info here.
MORE INFO ON THIS TOPIC: At California Desert Coalition and on the Energy page of the MBCA Website. Previous posts on this blog: Energy, Green Path North.