Sunday, June 8, 2008

Johnson Valley group concerned about Base expansion

Concerned about the Marine Base plans to expand, a new Johnson Valley "Partnership" has formed to present concerns to Base officials. The areas being considered for expansion include a portion of the Johnson Valley off-road vehicle open-access area. According to the Hi-Desert Star:

The original meeting with the military was orchestrated by Ed Waldheim, a past commissioner of the California OHV Commission who represented OHV interests in Sacramento for 10 years. At the original meeting, a coalition of groups was asked to participate to represent local stakeholders. They were invited back by the military to give a formal presentation.After their second meeting with the military, the coalition participants agreed to form a partnership and establish themselves as a non-profit under the California Trail Users Coalition.

Of note, in its Land Acquisition Study FAQ page, the Combat Center states the following in response to a question of "Where would off-roaders go?" if the expansion annexed a portion of the Johnson Valley OHV area:

They would still be able to operate within other areas of the Johnson Valley area that the Bureau of Land Management deems appropriate for off-road enthusiasts and through NEPA we would work with these stakeholders to identify other potential sites for this type of use.

ADDENDUM: The Partnership for Johnson Valley now has a Website.

MORE INFO ON THESE ISSUES: On Community ORV Watch and on the Off-Road Vehicle page of the MBCA Website. Previous blog posts: Off-Road Vehicles, Johnson Valley.