Sunday, July 21, 2013

MBCA opposes Soda Mountain Solar Project

The MBCA Board of Directors heard a presentation by Seth Shteir of the National Parks Conservation Association last Thursday, and agreed to formally oppose another inappropriately placed solar project, the Soda Mountains Project that borders the Mojave National Preserve.   As you are well aware, MBCA is in favor of renewable energy projects, but not industrial-scale solar projects on lands that host endangered species and unspoiled desert.  Large projects should only be on already-disturbed lands, and rooftop solar and locally distributed generation (DG) are the real way forward.

As David Lamfrom, California Desert Senior Program Manager for the National Parks Conservation Association, wrote in his comments on the DRECP: 

Lands such as those proposed for the Soda Mountains project should not be included within the DRECP because of identified importance to bighorn sheep migration, landscape connectivity, proximity to Mojave National Preserve, and hydrologic connection to MC Spring, a location utilized for the recovery of the listed Mojave Tui-Chub.

Two members of the MBCA Board of Directors, Claudia Sall and Ruth Rieman, are also Board members of the California Desert Coalition, and are meeting with the San Bernardino County Supervisors to educate them about renewable energy issues in the Morongo Basin and the County.  Issues include County input on the DRECP (there will be a meeting in Yucca Valley this fall—date to follow shortly), the County moratorium on energy development in residential neighborhoods, and updating the County General Plan to include appropriate renewable energy language.