Thursday, July 18, 2013

Immediate action needed to extend 45-day moratorium on commercial solar in county unincorporated areas

Dear MBCA Members and Supporters:

We are asking our readers to help convince the San Bernardino County Supervisors that they should extend the 45-day moratorium on commercial solar development in County unincorporated areas (which includes Joshua Tree, the Mesa, Flaming Heights, Landers, etc.). We mentioned this issue in our recent news and information email.  We have just learned that we will need a lot of constituents to inform the Supervisors of the need for the extension BEFORE NEXT TUESDAY (July 23).   Letters to the editor, letters to Supervisors, and/or attendance at the next BOS meeting will be very helpful -- more information below.

Our local District 3 Supervisor James Ramos has been very supportive and helpful, and is to be thanked.  Supervisor Lovingood (1st District) agrees with the need for extension, but we are uncertain about the other 3 Supervisors.

Here is a link to the County document describing the moratorium and actions being taken:

Here is Chris Clarke’s KCET story on the moratorium, which nicely summarizes it (we recommend Chris’s KCET blog for all California energy-related issues):

Here is the Riverside Press-Enterprise article:

And here is a website that summarizes the issue in legal terms:

The Supervisors meet next Tuesday, June 23, in San Bernardino, at 10:00 AM and this will be on their agenda.  The time is not yet known, but here is the site where the agenda should be posted by Friday:

Please send emails to any or all of the following addresses expressing your concern that this issue be taken seriously by the entire Board of Supervisors, and that they need to extend the deadline for addressing solar installations in unincorporated County areas.  Issues include possible development code amendments addressing the permitting process, as well as siting and zoning requirements.
There is a need for research to determine the best way to protect the desert while encouraging renewable energy in the right way and the right places.

If you know folks in the other supervisorial districts, please ask them to contact their Supervisor.  Here’s a link to a list of communities by District:

San Bernardino Sun Newspaper

Riverside Press Enterprise newspaper

Supervisor Ramos

Supervisor Rutherford

Thanks for whatever you can do.