Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Important hearing on the DRECP next Tuesday, April 16th

Dear MBCA members and supporters:

MBCA has partnered with the National Parks Conservation Association on many issues, and we hope you will consider the following request for support from our local NPCA Field Representative Seth Shteir.   Your appearance at the San Bernardino County Supervisors’ DRECP hearing next Tuesday afternoon would be incredibly helpful if possible.  See details below.

NPCA will also be presenting at this Thursday’s California Desert Coalition (CDC) program about DRECP, at 6:30 PM at the Yucca Valley Community Center.  Hope to see you there.

Thank you,
Board of Directors, MBCA

Dear Friends,

I hope you are enjoying this fantastic spring weather and what one national park biologist has called the best Joshua tree bloom in 25 years!

Perhaps no other issue in the California desert is as important as the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP), which seeks to identify the best locations for wind, solar and geothermal renewable energy on 22.5 million acres in seven California counties.  This plan has the potential to profoundly alter our desert landscape and our desert communities.  I’m writing you today to urge your attendance at a critical Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan San Bernardino County Board of Supervisor’s Hearing on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 at 1:00 PM in San Bernardino. 

Our County Supervisors are influential decision makers in the DRECP plan and they need to hear from you about the value of protecting our desert national parks, public lands, communities and recreational tourism economy.  We are currently organizing people from the Morongo Basin to attend this meeting via vans and carpools.  Please RSVP as soon as possible to  Once you’ve RSVP’d, I’ll provide information on rides, as well as some key talking points that can help you craft your public comment for the meeting.  Please plan on leaving the Morongo Basin at approximately 10:30am and returning by dinner.  A bag lunch, snacks and a drink are encouraged!

Seth Shteir

Seth Shteir
California Desert Field Representative
National Parks Conservation Association
61325 Twentynine Palms Highway, Suite B
Joshua Tree, CA 92252
760-366-7785- Office
760-332-9776- Cell