Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yucca Valley files application to annex Yucca Mesa

According to the Stop Yucca Mesa Annexation Coalition, the Town of Yucca Valley has filed its application to annex Yucca Mesa to its sphere of influence. The Coalition has released the following Bulletin:

The Town delivered the application for the Sphere of Influence Municipal Services Review for Yucca Mesa this morning to LAFCO. LAFCO will be reviewing it in_house for preparation for circulation. The Stop Yucca Mesa Coalition will receive a copy of that Notice of Commencement of the MSR when it is available.

The Stop Yucca Mesa Annexation Coalition has ordered a duplicate of the documents submitted to LAFCO from the Town of Yucca Valley. As soon as it is available, the documents will be reviewed thoroughly and an analysis will be made, including any pre-zoning. The Coalition will be advised of our findings via a Newsletter and the website.

The next step major in this process will be the Hearing. As soon as we have a date for the Hearing in San Bernardino, posters at strategic positions along well traveled roads will be posted, along with e-mails, and a Newsletter will be mailed to all on our mailing list. Of course, Mesa Market will continue to have copies of all Newsletters and Bulletins available for all. In addition, feel free to contact us at 760-219-7924 for information.

Please remain vigilant. It will be IMPERATIVE THAT EVERYONE ATTEND THE HEARING to oppose Yucca Valley’s "land grab." As soon as the date is known, notices will be sent out.

Yucca Mesa is a special place to us all ... It is our home. It will be up to each individual person to protect our beautiful Mesa.

Find out more at the Coalition Website.

MORE INFO ON THESE TOPICS: On the Land Use/Development, Communities, and Water pages of the MBCA Website. Previous blog posts: Yucca Mesa, Flamingo Heights, Homestead Valley, Water.