Saturday, June 8, 2013

DRECP – Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan

The California Desert Coalition held a meeting about the DRECP in Yucca Valley on April 11 to update residents about the most recent DRECP published “alternatives.”  Large-scale color maps located around the room showed that lands all around the Morongo Basin areas are at risk of becoming sites for industrial scale renewable energy development projects, as are Johnson Valley and Lucerne Valley, who were also well-represented at this well-attended presentation. Chris Carrillo, Deputy Chief of Staff for new San Bernardino County Superintendent James Ramos, was among the speakers, and carried to Supervisor Ramos the sense of concern and urgency that his constituents shared at the meeting.  Supervisor Ramos then requested that the entire Board of Supervisors have a DRECP workshop with state agency representatives.  This occurred on April 16 because of the strong showing and deep concern of many desert residents.  The Supervisors requested that DRECP leaders hold a Workshop in the Morongo Basin, and possibly another desert location, to share information and allow residents to ask questions and express concerns.  Prior meetings have all been held in Ontario, even though it is the desert residents that will be most affected.

CDC plans to seek meetings with individual Supervisors to make the case that it is imperative that the Board of Supervisors engages in the DRECP process and develops San Bernardino County policy and ordinances regarding commercial renewable energy projects within the County on private lands.  Comprehensive information about the DRECP is available on the CDC website. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and concern for maintaining the highest possible quality of life in “our” Morongo Basin and the Mojave Desert region.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Winners of the Landscape Tour Essay Contest!

Congratulations to the three winners of the 2013 Post-Tour Essay Contest!  Many thanks to the “literary gentlemen” of MBCA who served as judges:  Curt Duffy, Greg Gilbert, and Mike Lipsitz.

1st place winner, Susan Jordon, receives a $200 gift certificate for Unique Nursery.
2nd place winner, Sylvia LaBonte’, receives a $150 gift certificate for Cactus Mart.
3rd place winner, Carole Hiestand, receives a $100 gift certificate for Wind Walkers.

We will alert you when the winners’ creative submissions are posted on the MBCA website.  Reading them will make you happily reminisce about your experience if you participated in the Tour, and are likely to make you want to participate next year if you haven’t!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Live stream the SB County Board of Supervisors Meeting tommorrow

Dear MBCA Members and Supporters:

Many Morongo Basin residents live in unincorporated areas and must rely on communication with the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors to express their interests and concerns.  At the Supervisors’ meeting tomorrow, June 4, there are several critical issues on the agenda for Joshua Tree and other unincorporated Morongo Basin communities. 

Here is the news item from KCDZ radio news on June 3 describing the issues of interest:

While some concerned residents will be attending the meeting in person in San Bernardino, and some will attend via the video link available at the Government Center in Joshua Tree, we wanted our readers to know that the meetings are broadcast live-stream on the internet, and encourage you to view this important meeting if you can.

Here’s how to view the Board of Supervisors meeting via your computer:

The link to the meeting's live stream will appear about half an hour before the meeting schedule of 10 AM on Tuesday, June 4.

Click this link after 9:30 AM on Tuesday:
Then in the heading of Upcoming Events is the Board of Supervisors Meeting, the date, and then on the right is the link called  "View Event.”

Click that "View Event" link and there you are (hopefully!).