Friday, February 8, 2013

Weeds, aliens, and exotic plants

Please join MBCA next Tuesday evening at a timely free lecture about the threat of invasive plants (coming soon to your neighborhood), given by entertaining speaker Josh Hoines of Joshua Tree National Park.  It will be held at the Hi Desert Nature Museum in Yucca Valley, Tuesday, February 12, at 6:30 p.m.  Hot cider will be served! 


Want to know the difference between a weed, an alien plant, an exotic plant and an invasive?  Want to know the current threats to wildflowers at Joshua Tree National Park?  Join Josh Hoines, who will address invasive species and their threat to biodiversity, the economy, and the direct threats to the park.  Invasive species are considered the largest threat to biodiversity, second only to habitat loss.  Invasive species and their consequences are estimated to cost the American public an estimated $138 billion each year.

Josh is a vegetation ecologist with 12+ years of experience working with local, state, and federal partners to protect and preserve habitats and open space.  Currently, he manages the vegetation programs at Joshua Tree National Park including an active botany, restoration, invasive plant, native plant nursery, and recreation management.  Previously, Josh coordinated interagency habitat restoration across federal boundaries in southern Nevada.