Monday, December 15, 2008

Yucca Valley hillside reserve in peril

There is going to be a special Yucca Valley Town Council Meeting on December 17 regarding a General Plan Amendment to rezone a Hillside Reserve to subdivide into four lots instead of one house per 20 acres.

Residents are concerned this could be a starting point to set precedence for further development of the town's remaining hillside reserves. Hillsides buffer lands and ecological linkages. Also, the proposed lot #4 is situated at the base of an alluvial fan.

This project is at the most southern end of Valley Vista at Onaga, where there have been big problems with water runoff.

More information when we have it.

MORE INFO ON THIS TOPIC: See Grading/Clear-Cutting and Land Use/Development pages on MBCA Website. Additional posts: Yucca Valley, Grading/Clear-Cutting.