Saturday, September 8, 2012

Update on the Joshua Tree casino issue

Governor Brown unfortunately made a bad decision.  Per the LA Times,  “Gov. Jerry Brown approved a plan for two tribes to open casinos away from their ancestral lands, a move that he said would create jobs and help local communities.  But critics say the plan could lead to a massive expansion of gambling in California.”  Here is a link to the rest of the LA Times article on his recent decision: LA Times blog

This does not bode well for the Joshua Tree Casino.  However, the conditions cited by Gov. Brown in his decision letters describe situations quite different from Joshua Tree. Links to his full letters of approval are below, but here are some excerpts (underline added for emphasis):

·        A large tribal population will directly benefit from the gaming facility.”  (The 29 Palms Band is very small.)
·        “The gaming facility is supported by both Madera County and the City of Madera.”  (Joshua Tree residents have come out in great numbers against the Casino.)
·        Each tribe “has a significant historical connection with the land.” (This does not seem to be the case in Joshua Tree.) 
·        “The gaming facility has increasing public support…”  (Not in Joshua Tree!)
·        “The facility will be located within a sports-and-entertainment zone created by Yuba County.”  (There’s no situation like that in Joshua Tree.)

Here are the actual letters sent by the Governor: