Monday, December 1, 2008

Marine Base expansion: New discussion group

Dear desert neighbors,

As you may know, the Twentynine Palms Marine Base (MCAGCC) is planning to expand. The expansion could involve as many as 400,000 acres, including private as well as federal lands. Areas under consideration include lands to the west, east, and south of present MCAGCC boundaries. There could be many potential effects on Morongo Basin residents.

As part of the environmental review process (NEPA), there will be public Scoping meetings this coming week, including December 3 from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Twentynine Junior High School, Hay's Gym, 5798 Utah Trail.

Because this is such a large and complex issue, involving many stakeholders and agendas, a new Google Group has been formed for local residents to inform one another on the issues. You are invited to join the Group and add to the discussion (see instructions below). There is no cost, and members can easily set when or if they want to receive email updates or just visit the site at their leisure. Also, anyone may simply view the Group posts and pages without joining.

Group Home page:

To join: From home page click on "Join this group" in the Sidebar. If you do not yet have a Google account you will be directed how to join.

To view more information on the expansion plans, including links and maps, as well as how to participate in the Scoping process, go to the Group Home page and click on "Pages" in the Sidebar.

I sincerely hope you will consider joining the Google Group, so that we may all learn from one another in the face of this major impact on the Morongo Basin.

Best wishes,

Chris Carraher
Communications Director
Morongo Basin Conservation Association

MORE INFO ON THESE ISSUES: On the Land Use/Development and Communities pages of the MBCA Website. Previous blog posts: Johnson Valley, Marine Base, Wonder Valley, Twentynine Palms.