Saturday, November 8, 2008

29 Palms moves forward with General Plan update

The City Council of Twentynine Palms has given "unanimous approval to move forward with a comprehensive update of the city’s General Plan."
[Hogle-Ireland consultant Nelson] Miller’s recommendations, which were later turned into a motion by Councilman Joel Klink, included directing city staff to initiate a comprehensive update of the General Plan, and requesting Hogle-Ireland to prepare for City Council consideration a proposal to update the plan and prepare an environmental impact report to address implementation and coordination of programs already engaged in by the city.

Referring to initial research conducted by City Manager Michael Tree, Miller said the cost of typical general plan updates throughout California have averaged $1.2 million.

Miller then indicated that the Twentynine Palms update would probably come in “somewhere under a million,” considering that “much of the work is already done,” including the forthcoming Parks and Recreation Master Plan, and recent work by consultant Frank Spevecek and consulting firm RSG related to reviewing the vision and build-out population of the General Plan, identification of natural resources to be protected, and input from community workshops and a survey conducted in May 2008.

Read the rest in the Desert Trail.

To learn more about the General Plan process and how you may take part, see the How Planning Systems Work page on our Website, or visit A Citizen's Guide to Planning.

MORE INFO ON THESE ISSUES: On the Land Use/Development and Communities pages of the MBCA Website. Previous blog posts: Twentynine Palms.