Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hold the Mustard Campaign-please join us for scheduled weed pulls

It may be the season of hearts and flowers (Happy Valentine’s Day!), but there is one flower that is not loved in our desert …. that of the Saharan mustard.  This aggressive plant reduces native wildflower abundance and creates fuel for wildfires.

Our annual “Hold the Mustard”  campaign is a cooperative effort with Joshua Tree National Park. Half-day weed pull parties are scheduled for the dates below. Please participate in one work parties listed to help “Hold the Mustard” and preserve the health and beauty of our desert.

8-11AM Saturday February 18th, 
8-11 AM Saturday February 25th
8-11AM Sunday March 4th
8-11AM Saturday March 17th

RSVP if possible so we can anticipate your equipment needs and notify you of any potential schedule changes. Contact Katie Kain 760-367-5575 or

We will meet at the oasis Visitor Center in Twentynine Palms prior to carpooling to work sites. Don't forget to bring water, sun protection, and snacks. Tools and gloves will be provided.

For each day that you volunteer, you will earn an entrance-free day pass to Joshua Tree National Park.

MBCA Board members Ruth Rieman and Pat Flanagan (with a very large Saharan Mustard) talk about the importance of eradicating this invasive plant at the recent MBCA Annual meeting.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Action to stop proposed casino in Joshua Tree

We are sharing information here posted on the “NO Joshua Tree Casino”  Facebook page, for anyone who is interested in stopping the casino proposed for Joshua Tree. A local fundraising effort is underway to support a legal battle through Stand Up for California, a statewide organization with a focus on gambling issues affecting California. The fundraising deadline is this Tuesday, February 14. Donations are being collected by the Joshua Tree Health Food Store, located at the corner of Highway 62 and Sunset Road.

It is difficult to simplify the complex legal issue (more detail below), but it is concerned with the regulatory powers of the Secretary of the Interior to grant “fee to trust” status to land acquired by Indian tribes, which allows tribes to place casinos on that land without appropriate consideration for local negative effects.  Many local residents share this kind of concern about the proposed Joshua Tree Casino.

For a great deal more information on this and other gambling issues in California, check the Stand Up for California website.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Report on the MBCA Annual Meeting, held January 21st, 2012

Dear MBCA members and supporters:

Despite the huge windstorm provided by Mother Nature that weekend, we had about 50 hardy Morongo Basin residents at our Annual Meeting.  I think everyone would agree that there was a great sense of camaraderie and commitment in the room.  In addition to current Board members, we were glad to see long-time former Board members Chris Carraher and DJ Masker in attendance.  We also thanked D’Anne Albers for her recent service on the Board, and noted to the audience that we will be seeking another person to complete the 2 remaining years of this 3-year Board position.

MBCA has worked very hard in the past year to respond to what we learned from the “How are we doing?” survey last February (with thanks again to Curt Duffy for making it happen).  Via extra meetings and subcommittee efforts during 2012, the Board completed new Mission and Vision Statements, and has plans to expand our communication efforts.  We shared with Saturday’s audience how we have reactivated the website blog, and have begun using Facebook.  We hope these and future technology and communication improvements will help us gain a greater base of support for improving our communities.  Many thanks to Board member Catherine Svehla for getting us started on these efforts.

We then presented an overview of the large number of issues MBCA engaged in during the past year.   Board Members Pat Flanagan, David Fick, and Ruth Rieman provided information on actions taken and the current status of various issues. Seth Shtier of the National Parks Conservation Association also commented on several issues that are of shared concern between our organizations.  Here are the issues:

California Desert Protection Act
Cadiz Water Project
Saharan Mustard annual campaign
CalTrans Highway 62 concrete barrier reconstruction
County OHV Park Proposal in Gold Park
Solar PEIS around Morongo Basin
29 Palms Granite Construction Project
Eagle Mountain Dump, SB 108 mining bill, campaign for return of Park land
Inyo County OHV trial project
Wind towers project on Pioneertown Area Buttes
CEIYV, Super WalMart issue
JT Casino
Dollar General Stores

Board Member Claudia Sall then reviewed the planning, funding, and results of the 2011 Desert-wise Living Series, a new enterprise for MBCA.  She also shared a preview of our plans for a second Desert-wise Living Landscape Tour this spring and another event around November.

The Morongo Basin Dark Skies Alliance provided us with information about their efforts to increase awareness about appropriate outdoor night lighting.  Appropriate night lighting is needed not only to preserve the conditions that already bring tourists and photographers to our area, but also for reasons of safety, energy/cost savings, and health. Of special interest was their description of a new approach to the County Lighting Ordinance (Mountain and Desert Regions) based on land use zones. Within a few months, they hope to bring a draft ordinance proposal to County planning staff.  We give enthusiastic thanks to MBDSA members Victoria Fuller, Seth Shtier, and Stephanie Weigel for the presentation, displays, and handouts, including the colorful hot-off-the-press bumper sticker that reminds people to “Turn out a light, see the night.”  We were also glad that Alan Rasmussen attended.  In his role as field representative to Supervisor Neil Derry he has provided great support for MBDSA, and was also able to respond to some ordinance-relevant questions at the meeting.

Expanding volunteer involvement in MBCA was the final topic of our meeting, and is a key 2012 goal.  No matter what your interest or skills, we would like you to join a bank of MBCA volunteers, and we’re also seeking a volunteer coordinator.  Please respond to this email if you are interested or want more information.

We wrapped up the meeting with audience participation, and many folks shared comments, asked questions, and put forward ideas about improving life in the Morongo Basin.  Please consider attending our monthly Board meetings to learn more and share your ideas. We recently changed the start time from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. (second Thursday of each month, see more details on our website), hoping it might offer more people a chance to visit our meetings occasionally. Although the Board has a preset agenda, a time for visitor input is provided at the start of every meeting.

Thanks go out to everyone who helped create this energizing annual meeting!  In addition to Board members and participants noted above, we give special thanks to Tom O’Key for setting up his solar telescope at the break and end of the meeting, to Steve Rieman and Steve Bardwell for setting up the International Dark Skies display, to Danny Sall for his special effort to deliver the brand-new Dark Skies Alliance bumper stickers to us “just in time,” and to Anne Staley for providing snacks and beverages to sustain us.  Also thanks to Charla Shamhart at the welcome table and Sarah Kennington and Deb Bollinger for handling the membership.  And finally, thanks to three very important behind-the-scenes volunteers, Gail Dallas, Harry Bowkley, and David Miller.

New materials will be on the MBCA website soon, including our new Mission and Vision, and new links to organizations and blogs that we believe will be of interest to you.

Thanks to all who attended.

Your 2012 MBCA Board
Laraine Turk, President
David Fick, Vice President
Ruth Rieman, Treasurer
Sarah Kennington, Recording Secretary
Claudia Sall, Events Director
Deborah Bollinger
Pat Flanagan
Charla Shamhart
Anne Staley
Catherine Svehla

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sahara Mustard: Hold the Mustard Campaign

The MBCA is working with Joshua Tree National Park staff to mobilize for this year’s “Hold the Mustard” campaign. We invite you to attend a presentation by JTNP’s Josh Hoines at 7 pm this Friday February 10 at the Old Schoolhouse Museum in 29 Palms.  Josh’s topic is “Flowers versus Weeds: A Race For Resources” and he’ll discuss current threats to wildflowers at Joshua Tree National Park by invasive species, with Sahara mustard prominently featured. We’ll pick up the $5 lecture fee for the first 20 members to join us in launching our campaign on Friday.  An MBCA representative will be at the check-in desk.

The Old Schoolhouse Museum is located at 6760 National Park Drive in 29 Palms.  Interested parties can meet with Josh at 5 pm for a no-host dinner at the 29 Palms Inn.  Contact Marion to RSVP for the dinner at 760.361.1202 or

And there’s more!  Please join a “Hold the Mustard” work party on one or both of two Saturdays, February 18 or February 25.  We’ll work with park staff to pull mustard in high priority areas surrounding the park.  We’ll notify you of the specific meeting locations and times in the week prior to the event.

We have already had several sightings of mature, blooming Sahara mustard plants along Morongo Basin highways this year.  While we expect we’ll have a breather, with lower populations of mustard expected because of low precipitation, this gives us a great opportunity to regain control of this invasive, and to learn about a new, related species of mustard before it, too, takes over our beautiful desert lands.  Please let us know of any colonies of mustard that you see within the basin so that together we can ‘Hold the Mustard’!

Hope to see you at one or more of these events.