On November 19, Cheryl Schmit of the group “Stand Up for California” gave a very knowledgeable and comprehensive presentation about the issues of Indian gaming facing us in Joshua Tree and the Morongo Basin. We learned that several other California communities are facing this same off-reservation casino issue as the aftermath of recent approvals of such casinos in Yuba and Madera Counties.
“Off-reservation casinos are in direct violation of the promises made to voters that Indian gaming would remain on Indian lands,” said Stand Up for California’s Executive Director, Cheryl Schmit. “If off-reservation gaming is allowed, a dangerous precedent will be set, opening the floodgates for tribes across California to shop around for the most profitable locations to build casinos, with complete disregard for how our local communities are impacted.”
You can learn more in this article on Stand Up for California’s website: Stand Up for California
Perhaps the other most important point in her article is this:
The fate of the casinos already approved by the Department of Interior rests in the hands of Governor Jerry Brown, as off-reservation sites must pass through what is called a “two-part determination.” Although the federal government has mistakenly opened the doors for these casinos, the Governor has the chance to reject the proposals, keeping in line with what California voters agreed to when they passed Propositions 1A and 5 that allows tribal gaming to take place on reservation land only.
Anyone opposed to the off-reservation gaming facilities is encouraged to contact the Governor, asking him to not concur with the proposals.
If you are opposed to having a casino in Joshua Tree and have not yet contacted the Governor, please do so now. We understand that a strong anti-casino message from the community may not have the desired effect in the federal process, but repeated and significant response directed at the state level may affect the outcome. Email Governor Brown at this link.. You can write or call the governor's office at:
Governor Jerry Brown
State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento CA 95814
(916) 445-2841
“Off-reservation casinos are in direct violation of the promises made to voters that Indian gaming would remain on Indian lands,” said Stand Up for California’s Executive Director, Cheryl Schmit. “If off-reservation gaming is allowed, a dangerous precedent will be set, opening the floodgates for tribes across California to shop around for the most profitable locations to build casinos, with complete disregard for how our local communities are impacted.”
You can learn more in this article on Stand Up for California’s website: Stand Up for California
Perhaps the other most important point in her article is this:
The fate of the casinos already approved by the Department of Interior rests in the hands of Governor Jerry Brown, as off-reservation sites must pass through what is called a “two-part determination.” Although the federal government has mistakenly opened the doors for these casinos, the Governor has the chance to reject the proposals, keeping in line with what California voters agreed to when they passed Propositions 1A and 5 that allows tribal gaming to take place on reservation land only.
Anyone opposed to the off-reservation gaming facilities is encouraged to contact the Governor, asking him to not concur with the proposals.
If you are opposed to having a casino in Joshua Tree and have not yet contacted the Governor, please do so now. We understand that a strong anti-casino message from the community may not have the desired effect in the federal process, but repeated and significant response directed at the state level may affect the outcome. Email Governor Brown at this link.. You can write or call the governor's office at:
Governor Jerry Brown
State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento CA 95814
(916) 445-2841