Friday, May 15, 2009

Super Wal-Mart defeated in court!

Dear MBCA Members and Friends,

On behalf of the Coalition for Environmental Integrity in Yucca Valley, MBCA is happy to announce that the Yucca Valley WalMart SuperCenter EIR has been defeated in Superior Court in Rancho Cucamonga. His Honor Barry Plotkin found that the "Marketing Input-Urban Decay" study within the YVWSC Environmental Impact Report was inadequate (like we said all along) and the co-litigant Center for Biological Diversity won their case about the Air Quality-Global Warming part of the EIR.

John McClendon Esq., of the environmental firm Leibold McClendon & Mann, P.C. represented our concerns of the economic and social damage that this WalMart Supercenter would cause to the western Morongo Basin. Do you believe in Angels? Yucca Valley citizens, be assured that WalMart will be required to cover all costs of this litigation. As a result of this judgment the Town of Yucca Valley will be required to rescind its approval of the Specific Plan and the Conditions Upon Approval. The Judge's Final Order will be issued quite soon with more details to follow.

In short, if they want a WalMart SuperCenter in Yucca Valley, they have to do it all over again.


David Fick, President
Morongo Basin Conservation Association